Sunday, December 15, 2019

I have been fatshamed

She: Just a little bit around your hip darling!

Me: okie mom!

Him: oh! Your chubby cheeks! Turns me on!

Me: okie honey!

Someone: come on! You wouldn't look good thinner!

Me: okie!

Again someone: Nah! You look good fat and chubby!

Me: Again okie!

Inside me: No. No. No. And NO (all in caps)

No beautiful isn't how she looks

It isn't in how you feel she looks

And NO not how you think she would look like!

Let her be whoever she is !

Every girl has been body shamed!

Awfully body shamed.

Because i thought fat shaming was the only thing throughout my life, until i met a girl who said "God! I wish i had your body"

When i have been shamed and down digged of my body my whole life.

Made me feel, what did she go through?!

What could have she gone through to have said she wanted someone else's body?!

She wants her soul! She wants her mind! She is proud of her attitude! She would want to destroy you to ashes! But she wants to do it in another body!

Because the world around her made her feel insufficient!

Insufficient that she thought you were actually by her side!

While all you could do is call her body as her BODY!

All the while you could have seen her for her achievements!

Her intellectual!

Her crown!

But Noo!

You did more than that!

you saw her as a tiny little defect!

Something to correct on her!

But its okie honey! She grows out of it too soon for your maturity to outgrow them!

She conquers!


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Oh boy! Should you put more effort!

Walking along the road with houses dressed in tinkling lights! Green! Red! And oh! Ho! White and blue!!

People climb roofs in this snow filled nights, just so they let Santa know they are ready! 
So ready and awaiting!

Its not about a religion or the region!
Its about the celebration in a long waited year! 

People work hard through the year for this one holiday! And get rewarded much nicely! 
They make people cross their house with a smile! They shed light to the starless night! 
What more? Oh and the pictures! So beautiful pictures of all the lights! 

Being happy is a choice! Making an effort is the only way around it!
Make tiny little effort! 
Open the door and let them smile at you!
Wink at the baby, and listen to an adorable giggle!
Give up your seat for the gentleman, hear him praise you “you are a lot younger than you think, Darling!”
Tell them to have good night! And a great day!!! 
Seeing someone smile for you 
And listening to someone “thank you” for such a minuscule thing could brighten your day more than you think!!!!

Just like the Christmas lights, the trees, the decorations!!!!! Its a choice! Make little effort for that beautiful choice!!!! You can never go wrong when it comes to choosing happiness over every other miracles! 

Be part of a smile in someone’s day!
Let the celebration begin with you, coming year!!!!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Close to “Biological clock”

Well, they say a woman reaching her biological clock! is very dangerous!!!

Who are “They” ??? And what biology??

Technically! Its not her “age” that makes her “dangerous” but her “determination”

Determination to get out of a bubble! Even if its built to a castle!
Reach her limits to achieve things on her own! Even if its not great things! 
Who is to say! What she should be, by now! 
An outlaw in life!
A templated version set for herself!
She could be anything! 
She could be a mother by 25 and start to find herself from scratch.
She could be a lady at 40 unravelling her treasured dream!
She could turn 60 to chase butterflies in a tulip garden! 

A woman always dangerously beautiful in her love, with her pride, adorning herself in a circle so small, she makes a home at almost every place she puts her foot down! 

At every dawn, her heart and eyes is fixed on a price, so preciously she shines! So proudly she bears it on her! is her smile for you and her laughter thats infectious just because you let her be, who she wants to be! 

Time is for the sun and moon to set!
Does it have to be a leash on how to live her life??

Monday, November 18, 2019

Finishing an amazing love story!

The sigh after you finish a novel! A very long big fat novel!
And when the ending is as amazing as the clear blue sky or as white blanket snow! Just amazing!

The Longest Ride! By Nicholas Spark

Just one of the novel, where you find yourself roaming inside the book. Walking along with the characters. 
Its about two love tales, that happens around two different time period. 
I found myself getting old with the guy(Ira) who fought in world war II, breaking himself to fight for his nation and his people; came back loosing everything he had, his energy to love another person, his life to move forward and his dream that he owed it for someone. 
And I found myself turning young with this girl who was head on heels in love with a sweet stubborn cowboy! 
(I know, it doesn’t make sense for anyone, except for those who have read it)

The notion of how “Happy endings are only for a book or a movie or a fairy tale” is not so true. 
To me its all the little things that can give you a happy ending to that phase of your life. There are no endings to your life! Well! There is the inevitable! Lets not go that far!!

Like how holding hands, with that one person who means a lot, sitting in front of a lake could mean the only thing you need right now!

How writing few words for them to see, at a worst possible grief is the only thing that would make them breathe through this day!

Just being near to each other with the company of pure silence and harmonising each other’s heart beat together is all anyone needs at anytime of their life.

Bruised and crushed, shivering to thirst, your only hope is the sunrise, you wait till then, for a hand to reach you and lets you pick up from where you left. 

Little or not, every word, even the smile from a distant, a sweet gesture so tiny but that sure as hell assures you,  that there is the thing called “next day” is all that matters. 

Life isn’t complete ever, you just wait, hold on, climb up higher. There will be always, that one person, to smile in their heart for you to shine brighter!

Oh! All this, I'm not making it up, at all!!!! 
Its all in the book i read!!!!! 
Not a hidden kind of meaning blog!!!!

Sweet little things in life is the biggest gift you can give back!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Heart: Im scared!

 : when?
Heart: all the time! 
 : of what?
Heart: of everything!!!

Heart: I’m scared of everything.
The morning sunshine glooming deep into her dark room!
Someone bringing coffee to her bed!
Anyone’s face outside her room;
Everyone’s sweet “Hellos” behind her neck.
An adorable dog’s sudden jolt! 
The phone on vibrate, I scare her nerves.
The phone on loud, I scare all of her.
The warm breeze through her ears!
The silence that follows around her.
The loud music jazzing all of a sudden.
Someone starring into her eyes, i jump out like a frog!
Alot of them circling her, I literally see through her chest.
The day doesn’t stop,
And comes the night!
The light at the end of a road, 
Leaves rustling in the dark;
Birds chirping around her
Crickets with their snore!

I don’t stop!
So she doesn’t stop.
I scare her with the guard she builds up and high around her! 
And I frighten her to breathlessness when she lets the guard down!
Again and again and again!!!!!

 : there has to be some way through this!

Heart: there is!! 

A heart that is used to being scared all the time! Yeah! Thats how it learns and knows how to be and stay, strong!

She is used to me, beating faster at every chance! 
It drives her to the impossible!
It gives her everything she wants!
One day, she will be scared of nothing! 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Do you love me?!

How do you know if someone loves you enough?

Is it just a “His&Her” thing?!
A soulmate?
Or just i-am-not-so-sober sister I love you!!!
A best friend not spoken for years(but, darn you know you love her!)
Or mom i miss you
And dad stop over protecting!(or whatever dads do!!)

Tricky! Or not!
Its a word like compass for a wanderlust like me!
Encouraging your soul! To never let go down.
A smile to remind your eyes, they are beautiful!
Above all! Its that message she treasured for 4.3years!?
Do You know what you survived through those years! 
Because, I know!
Many earthquakes, so many soul-crunching earthquakes! Flood and storm, well at the least, the flood and storm literally happened, in chennai! And i survived all of them! While she kept, few words along with my heart and all the emotions surrounding those words! Made sure to never give up, through those years!

You never know! But you find love in the least of the places you look, because its there, alright! Just by your side! Every-darn-day! 

Love is so many things!
So many people!
You just have to appreciate it more than you look elsewhere! 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Smile at him

 She ran towards me!
Wished me “have a great weekend”
Astonished at her 
I turned to wish her back!
I did have a great weekend!

He smiled at me ! 
I smiled back!
He said “have a great day”
And I did!

She said “cheers” 
I did too!
Well! He sat near me!
Instinctively scared but willingly shared a bucket!

Overwhelming and what not!
All different people! Different world! 
Together they wish good when they smile for a better day!

The minute i let myself out of my own doom,
The whole country wishes me luck !
How did i grow up not to!??
How did i not smile at strangers in the road more often?!
Why should your life be a four walled world?! By yourself?!
It isnt that scary!
Nobody is that threatening!!

You can smile at anyone !
And your day and more 
Gets positively ahead of you!

Smile at him!
More often than you wish!