Saturday, May 12, 2012

Get Rid of 'EM

Rules Don't actually apply for political people i guess ! I have such little knowledge about Law & order but i know so much that supreme court is higher among every other court  ! It did pass an order to remove all hoardings in Chennai before 2007 ! Yet people use it for political purpose and fan clubs! The reason to discard them was they were a threat to pedestrians and to the transport ! it caused a  lot of damage during rainy and windy seasons!

do these faces actually need a  banner???? damn !!

What i don't understand is "do they think their Face-holding-hoarding doesn't hurt people when it falls over them??" And to my amazement these banners are hung throughout a lane starting from chief-minister's office and ends to the gate(CM's house)
*****Note be made here~~~~ i'm not pointing to one party but this trend stays..... only the face and color of the banner changes ! Maybe these people has to be diction-ed to what an hoarding is !!

Sometimes these political party should not be pointed out directly ! Its those acting-like-illiterates who spoil THE MAN IN THE CHAIR !

A leader is not  needed to make a change but it should start from person to person !! ~ Mother Theresa 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tsunami Attacker ! ! !

wattaday !! Human beings are scared for two things : their Life and not just THEIR money but in general for Money( if its there they are scared and even its not there they are scared) !
I witnessed something funny yesterday in marina beach(of-course Chennai, India) where i have seen alot crazier events  ! It was around 6:55p.m where  dawn fades into night ! since its a tsunami prone and tsunami attacked area, usually everyone has the fear that it might occur again and also Chennai is a recently warned area among other !7 countries . Even when the tides are bit heavier and high elders think its definitely  Tsunami !
Yesterday was a day-after full-moon day ! My grand-mom and my mom too, say that waves are much fiery and clouds move a little faster(like in movies where they fast-forward the clouds !) and just that happened !!!

People thought that it was tsunami once again and started moving out of the beach faster ! It was not people's attitude that amazed me ! but it was, that soon news channels were already in place to take the scene and they started their interview too !!!! how crazy can people actually be !

                 some   RUNNING OUT FOR LIFE AND  some RUNNING IN FOR MONEY ! ! !   

And i thought this is appropriate for now "coz its WORLD'S LAUGHTER DAY !!!!!

Happy world's laughter day to y'all !!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Some SCUMBAG needs a HAMMER in their head !

Every time  i say people that i have passed M.B.B.S  there is always  this two question 
1) what is your specialization??
2)ahhh ! nice money huh??

Especially, this one grown-up who was soo damn blunt and so  plain that he dint even wait for my answer but was al-ready with a pre-thought line " wow !!! thats good money too "
If these kind of things can make a person like me so pissed off then i cant imagine how a sincere doctor who sacrifices every teeny tiny little happiness for his job ! (Oh ! this statement only my mates can understand knowing my ability as an OUT-STANDING student ! teehee !!! yeah thats sarcastic )
People consider a doctor to do their job as a service way ! but i cant find an engineer or a fashion designer who do their job as social worker on humanitarian ground ! 
Everyone work for a living and being a doctor does not change the fact that they have to eat and buy cloths which does not come for free .
I just wished that i also had license to knock off these kind of people with a rock !
There is noway anyone can make these people understand how hard even the care-less doctor works for the welfare of  their patients. I dont have to explain what all every doctor sacrifice ...Its all viral in Facebook and twitter.
Also there is nothing such as humanitarian work which does not have any self-fish reason be it self satisfaction.
Respect what you have got ...rather than just criticiz others of they have to be ...there is much more than just money for living ......