Saturday, December 5, 2015

When you have to disown .....

You don't have to loose everything ..

You don't have to ask for help to a complete stranger for water ...
You don't have to wait for your next meal....
You don't have to get scared of water and leave everything behind.....
You don't have to give up a life earned house under a loan to survive ......
You shouldn't have to leave a BMW car in the middle of a road for life.......
You shouldn't live under incomplete roof being scared........
You shouldn't  stay locked up in one crore worth house when there are shelters under your house..........
You weren't supposed to walk inside waters scared of reptiles.........
You weren't supposed to have 'no pets' rules, because it's very disheartening to see them shiver and cry for food.........
You shouldn't be worried about your future that you have planned for years...........

NO it's so unfair 
You shouldn't have everything and run for life 
Should you be scared for life just because you don't have what they call money  
Life is so unfair 
You are not supposed to, and yet it happened .... 
But to see everything happen in front of your eyes, each and everything .....

It's time that we realise it's more than money to be human 
The LIFE you have now is all you have ..... 
Nothing else ..... 
Just a 24 hour normal rain would do, to crush all your dream to bring everything down to your knees ......... 
You don't need guns and blast to show you .....
As simple as water air and the Mother Nature is enough to show you ....
This life is all you have 
Appreciate what you have now 
Start living each moment 
Rather planning 5 years from now .....
You never know what would happen ....
Trust me you would never know .....

What you really have now is precious enough to go forward ! 
Disown everything ... The high paid job, the highly respected property, that lousy car...
What is it all worth ?? Your life ?? That smile you see in a selfie ???? 
Disown yourself to see what you have now .... 
It was very hard to see every single soul suffer not out of death but out of scare what might happen, being so unsure what will happen to what they owned .... 

When nature teaches you to just SHUT UP LISTEN and LEARN ..........

Love the precious time you have left 

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