Saturday, November 5, 2011

Memory I$ ~~~N~o~$~T~@~l~g~!~c~ ``:-/\/\/\//

My friend and I skyped after so long !!!!!!! For almost 3 and half hours !!!!! 
We are four in a group and one of our friend is getting engaged , soon to be married !!!!!! So we planned to Go$$ip about her and the  incoming GUY ;) :P !!!!!!! Since we are shocked from the announcement she gave !!!! We always thought that she will be the last person to get married ! Mostly because of her disinterested talk about LOVE and Marriage !!!!!! (And P.S i was the topper of that list ! and my friends always thought that i would Elope ! haha ! ) But unfortunately I am sitting here still fighting to complete my U.G !!!! Drastically my friends are either working With lot of salary cash in their hand or this stupid girl i skyped is in New York ! irritating us about her Big amount of part time pay off , the snowing and red beautiful trees !!!!! 
Anyway, We spoke about so many things that we missed, the first thing was our very own CHENNAI BEACH and the fish fry stall  . Then the big thing that struck us <bang> is when i complete and go , my friends would be married ! i would have to go and give them ante~natal check up !!!! FOR FREE !!!! while my friend returns at-least on of them would have a baby that's going to call us AUNTY  !!!!!!!!! :'( wooooohhhh my Gaaaddddddddd !!!!!!!! 
Time is so running ahead of us !!!!! we are still sitting and chit-chatting about the lunch box fight that we had in class 12 !!!!! 
At-least , Thanks to God {showing victory Thumbs~up} though we walked in different direction ! we still have time for each other ! <touch -wood and black> , we still cherish our leg fights !!!!!! 
so this whole Nostalgic thing reminded me to blog some philosophy ...... :)
Time might fly ! Life can be strangulating you ! Happiness will be far out-of-sight ! Sorrows are always hand-in-hand ! But carry your present-pleasantness while you  run Old into Dementia !!!!! 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Cla$$RooM DooR Clo$eD ## :-|

4 And Half years gone by ,the  reason for all this excitement among-st my classmates is because we cant believe it ourselves that actually its all over !
No more early morning trekking to college and fighting with thin emaciated girls for fan bench !!!!!
No more wake up and walk dead to class in the afternoon!!!!!!
No more sorry face or lame excuse to get attendance and of-course no more shouting for proxy

I will be relieved of some people and sadly i will miss few awesome mates of my batch !!!!
College life has been pleasant-fully irritating me !  All the choas has given us topics for gossiping and the gliters has shined us with smiles !!!!
outstanding pals !!!
Outstanding is for-- most class bunkers!!!! We bunk class, asking people to give our proxy ! we bunk the next day if we get proxy ! we also bunk in a rage if we dont get proxy !!!!! haha!!! I know !!!!
We sit in class and get down with gossips from our other friends , get together in posting to sit and gossip over the gossip !!!!!!!!!We try not to stick to the common denominator but somehow even if we finish up the whole pokhara's news we would still end up with the same old denominator !!!!!!! You know ,Every college will have a same common college gossip denominator !!!!!! We Manage in the crowd !!!!!


She is one of my other friend with whom  i exchange letters ! Most of our letter writting were in class !!!! Be it fighting, Bargaining apology, gossip about the girl sitting next to us, complaining about hostel fights, discussing girly stuffs' !!!!
We were those kind of friends who are inseparable, then we realised how far we go away from each other , we would still  share things that enlightened our days and those that depressed us !!!!!!

By Gods' grace i might be done with everything in this place but these little few things would be a part of me ! that i can always cherish !!!!! and smile when these memories retrace their path !!!!!

I have seen almost all kinds of people in this college, not just seen them but been with them and some are very annoying even in your memory {imagine in person how disgusting they can be } 
Engineering , arts i don't have any clue of how people are but here people are nauseating ! 
With Utmost Experience .............
You cant get fraandship ! you have to earn them !!!!

Fine Are THe$e Moment$ .........Which will be miS$ed !!!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

My World Begins When.........

Its irritating, frustrating  to keep waiting  anxiously  for these 3months to get over like a soft breeze rather than a storm !
I cant go for a walk without people staring at me critically " man, she has time for those stuff?!" , cant watch a movie without feeling " girl you should have guts " , cant listen to music in my bed time without thinking of next morning's schedule!

Everyone i meet either has the same feelings  so i have stopped mourning too,or people who just tell me "Oh! you are finally in finals huh? so how is it  going ?! " i have stopped replying them that its not fine !!!

I have no hope of getting over with my medical life but when this 3 months is over fruitfully i promise that i will stop complaining about everything !!!!!!!!

.................................................. when i am done with the miserably haunting 3 months and never turn back !!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Recipe that landed in my RooM ####

Since our college declared holiday comes Once In Blue Moon ! All my friends seem to be busy cooking(mostly experimenting cooking !!! ha ha ! ) And eventually every Item is tested on me !!!!!!! Those times i cant say "No" to my friends one because they get really really irritated when i say "sorry,i am on this diet thing  " !! :O   >.< and second because i love FoooooD !!!!!! Its almost always impossible for me  to say ~no~ :) :P ;) Yesterday, it was banana pie dipped in sugar syrup ! Its always a yummy dish that my classmate makes!!!!! And she saves two or three for me but later i steal away three or four which will, obviously,be stored for her bhais' and Behans' (brothers and sisters) !! Today was chocolate cake with chocolate sauce and mayonnaise (mayonnaise was my add~on recipe ) !!!  Actually from the day i started my No carb diet, everything is very attractive ! All i get to eat is corn,scrambled egg heated with mayonnaise ( its nice though not awesome<rolling eyes>  :-/ )  When my food time <DING>s  I sit and think of what to cook !!!!!at the end, Its pretty tiring to finally decide on what to have !
So its relieving to receive good food that knocks on my door !!!!!!!! Leastwise something good comes out of these lame holidays !!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Not My Diwali !

Every Diwali had a memory ! except this one !!!! ugggghhhhhhhhhh !!!!! 
I hate it this time, its so lame !!!! The fact this time its utterly boring is because every year i had like tons and buckets of sweets and other mirchi dishes! either home~made or shop~made!!!!!!!! This time i am in no carb diet so you can guess how much it piss me off !!!
At home , we stopped bursting crackers when we moved to London for few of two reason was you have to go to a park to burst 'em and of-course it was too costly to get 'em !!!!!! 
Before that it was Gala Gala time at home, at my colony ,all over Madras!!!!!!!! My colony people burst crackers Non~stop from morning 4'o'clock !!!!! They even take turns to burst them so that all the oldies get irritated with us !!!!!!!!!!!
My best deepavali was when we all went to my dad's birth place !!!!!! Its always wonderland when its with your family !!!! Heaven !!! There were a-lot of food, sweets , MURRUKU(its a jilebi with mirchi) its awesome !!!(you should try it) !!!!!! and so many cousin kids who were all so brave  and they were trying to scare me off !!!!!!(like they can !!!)
Next best one, when i was in higher sec, Chennai (yeah ! Madras was renamed by then !!!! LOL!!!!! ) Though only special food at home , i woke up early wore superb dress and went to my friends house by house !!!!! I had my red scooty which we named him RED-DY !!! i was more much with him , even more than i attended school !!!!!!!!!  went street by street with him and scared every local bus that came behind us(even my bestie had the same one and we were partners~in~crime ) !!!!!!!! 

Even after i came to a country(my current hell) that has strict NO CRACKERS RULE (of-course they have rockets that are imported illegally ) Till MY Sister was here she made it sweet for me !!! we used to get candles , get those stupid rockets which never goes above my head !!!!! took lots n loads of photos , made some sweet dishes(she mostly gives it away like charity even if i don't eat it first ). It was all nice !!!!

This time, I am like the laziest BUM on earth ------------On Diwali , festival of lights my room tube light flickers!!!!!

Not my work, stolen from a senior who lit candles in front of my room (thanx to her !!)

Friday, October 21, 2011

9 School$ "N" I am still alive ! 1 college I Dread everyday !

Yeah ! that's right ! I have suffered through 9 different schools !!!! From my KINDER~GARDEN to my HIGHER SECONDARY i had to shift every 2 years school to school ! And to add to that misery it was most often boarding school !!!!! It became a routine in my life that now If i don't foresight a change , its little suffocating !!! Every 2 year skates on ice ! 1st year I observe, find friends -----> 2Nd year I Chatter Non~ stop  making people say " We thought you were Speech-challenged 1st time we saw you " At the end of the 2Nd year i bid Adios !!!!!! 
I have managed to keep up my contacts since i learnt the value of friendship !!!Handful of friends and hell a lot of enemies!!!! doesn't matter !! school always ended happily !!!!
when do i get this "cap"??
College S*#*# big time if you are not where you belong !!!! 
I remember my best friend's words "if we don't stick to where we belong, we have to beg our way out "
That is so true !!!!!! Some people think they are grown enough to boss around but what they don't understand is they still look like the class leader of a kinder garden class {writing names of the ones talking in class when "Miss" you were not there !!!} I have to tolerate so many people like this !!!!!! Of-course ! many people were there and helped me cross this en-dearing path !!!!!! Only 5 months to take a giant leap ! I am dreading every day , move away from all possible bubbles(troubles) because you bark at a dog or the dog barks at you ! you are still the mad person wearing the wrong color !!!! 
When i am done with this, i don't want to regret anything !!!!!! Because world is so small , one day you have to bump at anyone of your enemies ! and you cant say " oh! you little scum bag ! you dint give me water in college !!!!! " Instead I prefer to smile and bump them hard !!!!!! After all life is short when will you get another chance !!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Beautiful DrEaM ! ~~!

I just feel like , i woke up from a very Sweet Beautiful Dream ! Every Second spent right ! Every minute  smiled loud ! Every Hour skated fast ! Every Day counted ! 

Sometimes the most amazing feeling is wordless to express ! 

I must say, when everything goes perfect in our eyes God takes a commercial break !!!!!  
Now get back on stage along with everyone to put on the make~up and start the play !!!! I have to corner my smile with these wonderful moments captured , sob for few days and start with my work to get back Home ! 

Monday, October 10, 2011


OMG! I am 11hours away from my last one before internals and still i got no fever , nausea , palpitation , anxiety , etc., etc.,  anything !
I have wasted my time  by watching movie , playing , listening to all the shoutings and blaming by the very patient-full !!!!!!!! (that's a sarcasm of-course ! ) GUY next to me !!!!!! from morning !
I just left my room to get onions and i am shocked of my guilty conscience  that is actually not very active right now !!!!! B'coz everyone is really studying studying and studying without lifting their heads up  !!!! :-/
Its these little times i get motivational quotes like "don't just do things just coz everyone is doing" !!!!!!
I am bored , tired and what not !
 Its not the time to ask God for help ! you know and i know !!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I-AM Sure 2012 is so very HAPPENING !!!!!!

Solar flare on valentines day ........
Great East Japan Earthquake in march.........
Delhi earthquake along with the blast in september .......

And now this HUGE Earthquake in the 'in and out of himalayan range' including part of Nepal , Delhi , UP , Bihar , Assam , Bengal , Sikkim .........

I experienced my last earth-qauke!!! in year 2000 in Chennai , my dad , sister and I were watching the tele and fighting over who moved the bed when my mom had to call us and ask us to get out of the house !!! 
I cant imagine we were fighting in front of the TV which was actually announcing the red alert news !!!!! ha ha ha ha !!!! anyways !

And after so long when you feel like the whole bed is moving and that also when you are   alone in your room ! Its exciting !!!!!!
 First i thought it was because of my unstoppable fan !!!! ( how stupid was i brought up ! i know ) 
Then when i looked across my bed i saw my reading table moving !!!!!! OMG ! my second thought ! GHOST !!!!! jumped off my bed like a ninja !!!!! believe me all you ninjas' i did !!!!!
Thanks to my girls who were already dramatically shouting out !!!!! "HELLO MOTHER GOD STOP DANCING "

When i saw my friends they were all running in all kindsa shapes !!!!
Now these situations , i don't like;  should get dressed , get slippers , grab my laptop or my phone ....if my phone then which phone the cheaper call rates  or the one with all contact numbers(the costly phone) !!!!!!  And  i reach down the stairs everything is over  , take everything back fish stuff !!!!!!
but yet this excitement will go on for another 2 days !!!!!!!!
I am not bothered  if the worlds is doomed , I dont care if everything i earn goes into the water , or if my leg is buried in Mother Earth !!!! 
When i am not a hero yet , then i am not ready to go invisible !!!!!!
Your life ends when you finish your accomplishment  !!!!
 Though i cant number out my To-Do list before i vanish
I can tell you where i want to be when that happens ; 
In a place where You don't get scared of leaving your things back ! ; 
With ONE PERSON who just don't tell you to get out but take you along with them ; !
Never The Less with the 100 things in my To-Do list the one that will top it  will be--~~ get outta this god-damned place !!!!!! Even though i know its not the place Still I-AM sure that my Earth~qwaked land will look much better elsewhere !
Happy Earth-qwauking people !!!!!!!
Never Predict TOMORROW !!!! You might not remember what you thought yesterday !!!
Believe in "Tomorrow Never Comes"
Love lotsa ! but get hurt less !!!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hit the ROD when its HOT !!

I don't say what happens in this world ! but just say what i happen to face !!!
If i learnt something staying away from Sweet Home for long , then its have the bloody courage to stand up for yourself. Because there is no coming back to this wonderful God given life ! 
Wonder about what i keep blabbering , but its true ......... 
you have all your life to love, but just a moment to show it ! 
Unless said those magical words "sorry", you are never forgiven !
Yet a slave , if you don't smirk at your boss !
Share your champagne, when you get the chance!
Throw your anger, why are ballons for (but for bursting)?!

People say your Heart is the size of your fist ! I have lots of lovely people to fit them into !
When you still have a  life , Do what you can , Aim what you cant !  

Dont lock it! if you loose the key then you are in prison!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Money = Liquor HIGH !!!

Wooooo La La La !!!!!!! Yeah your are damn right ! 
My day was fabulicious !!! Started with my sister showing me "The Economic Times " where my college Dean has given an interview about shutting down all hospital services in case of continuing strike by staffs!!!!
Anyway i wanted that only after my exams !!!!! (i know that devil in me !! ) 
Now the la la la starts !!!! I check my account with a syncope attack giver amount !! haha! 
I planned a freak out with my senior in the morning , which went on till evening !!!!!!!! I walked and walked and ofcourse walked and did all stupid shopping !!!!! I even got  Mr.Sponge bob , believe me i DONT KNOW  him !!!!!! Had food and cola till my stomach  peeped at my mouth !!!!!!! Came to hostel to pay all my endearing friends all the money borrowed and settled everything for this month !!!
Then my planner beeped for  another freaking treat to be given at lake !!!!! So had to get dressed and had an AH-mazing  night !!!!
When my money reach my account , i get high like i have had tequilla shots hundred times !!!!
A few people who will always be there to make you feel good and make all the money worth spending is all you need at the end of the day ! Because they will still be there tomorrow to lend you when your pocket gets empty !!!!!
And trust me that feeling has happened to me at the end of four and half years !!! Call me i am stupid , yet to get  hold on your life in a place where people talk not just at your back but from all the sides is a up hilling task !!!!!!! 
When you finally wrap it up and you still have hand full of people to count on ! be proud that you are not just passing a carrier stage but passing with dignity on top !!!!
You can be the world's richest person ,if you dont have four people to hold your tomb to your grave are still the "Oh ! Poor Guy "............

Monday, September 12, 2011

Gossip About ME !

When the new mobile ERA emerged, that is when a  secondary school going girl had a mobile hidden in her school bag with a secret ZIP !!! 
There were lots of forwards which almost had similar meaning " God gave us 2 hands 2 legs 2 eyes 2 ears but 1 mouth and 1 heart; so talk less love more "
That never struck me so important ! every-time i recieved those messages i only thought "dumbo"
But now a midst alot of gossip girl friends , there are few who says "so what , its their life "
and With a boyfriend who says " when will you mind your own business? ! ! ! " ALL THE TIME !!!
I am starting to miss the essence of gossiping about everyone!!! 
Though i am so old enough to know that is a sick habit " habits die hard "
And to top that sickness comes the "Facebook" . oh! i am there 24*7 and on the longest day of June month  I AM still there !!!
People say to kill a habit you should start a new one !!!
Well , even i say its time for the change!! like my fav hero says in his recent movies "How long can you keep acting good ? "
When you cant change yourself you should quit talking about others to change !!! 
The capacity to change lies  with the one with a strong mind !
And ofcourse stop to bore yourself with the same schedule !!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sometimes being in dog eat dog world scares me!

You just cant make everyone happy in this world !! One thing even those who were made happy will start complaining in case they realise your job is done in their life !!!!
Oh !! ofcourse there are few people who just cant let go of you !!!!
Thats why we call this world a dog eat dog world!!!!!
Its very hard to figure out what do you finally have to do !!!! what you should accomplish at the end of the JUDGEMENT day !!!!!!
There are alot of people to gain trust of ! there alot of work to be done to come up in life !!! Alot of love to be polished ! alot of pain to be forgotten !! alot of tears to be wiped !!!
Yet so little time !!!!

If my leg had a VOICE it would shout " YOU MONSTER "

From 12 in the afternoon till 7 in the night i have been torturing my legs with my 60kg !!!!!!
Its quite hard to travel or even go for an outting in pokhara the so called sweet city of nepal !!!!!
Either its very hot or very rainy so that when you walk around you can damage a 2000rs shoes or pant !!!!
Or damn it ! its very cold !!!!!
And when i say the bus travel is a Roller coster dont smirk at me !!!!! i never lie about these things !!!!!!
your digestive system gets damaged so easily ! Incase you are going for lunch or dinner forget about your appetite! its already gone so far !!!!!!
Actually iam so frustrated not that my legs are so damn paining from walking for so so long but that iam in final year i have no shame or any guilty of not just studying and also for not touching my books !!!!! My friends have all started studying iam not talking only about my college friends , also my school friends who took my carrier!!!!!!
Iam a little scared too !! 
anyway !!!! it is absolutely my mistake & $$$$ my problem !!!!! 
Morale : keeping your mouth shut at hard times of torture doesnt make you a good human !!!! 
unless you are straight forward with everything people are still going to walk over you ! 
Its either hard for them to figure it out or they dont even bother !!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Its the MORNINGS that make me HAPPY !!

Somedays of hardship just needs a "black-out " People who thinks you mean something in thier life will always turn around the corner and wait for your forgiveness !! so dont bother staring at the sky for God will not answer you in your face! All he does is try make  life to move on!!!! 
trust me life is too simple for anyone to complicate it !! you will get your turn to glow in glory !!!!!!
Just keep appreciating your way out !!!! Because that light at the end of the tunnel might look pretty but DARKNESS can teach you so much ! dont rush to the end if you cant see what your are shown !

Early morning sunrays with half cup black tea can make a big difference for a smile in your day !!!!

PAST creeps in like a DEVIL

There are some people in your life who looks at you everyday from day till night but still doesnt realise that you have cried !
You can even help a stranger with a killer eyes but not the one who walks away with grace !
The only past that keeps coming back to our memory is the one which has left a mark in us ! good or bad our memory betrays us only in strange times!
try forgeting something then we will know how powerfull memory ours is !!!
But the day when someone walks away from your life be happy that one out of hundred is less from wasting your time on them !!